All in Pilates Instructor

The Undercover Instructor - Ep 7 Pilates Class Planning with Jacqui Maree Bailey

Ep 7 of the Undercover Instructor Series with Jaquie Maree Bailey.

This episode has been a bloody long time coming! I got to sit down with my long-time #pilatespal Jacquie Maree Bailey while she was still in Melbourne Town teaching at the busy NU Pilates in Albert Park. I highly recommend you get yourself down to NU! It's a gorgeous boutique studio in the heart of Albert Park offering both reformer pilates and personal training with some of the best instructors you will find in Melbourne.

When Jacq and I get together we nerd out A LOT! Topics can range from Pilates, Yoga and movement philosophy to discoveries we have made in class planning, our own practice or challenging and rewarding experiences we have had while teaching. So it was time that we tried to capture some of the goodness that usually happens behind closed doors on camera and share it with you all.

I was so stoked to chat to Jaquie about her approach to class planning as while we have a lot of similarities we also have some pretty clear differences. Jacq is an absolute master of the slow build! her ability to keep her classes consistent and engaging is a skill she is both naturally attuned to but has also obviously put hours of work in to develop and fine-tune over the course of her teaching career.

I hope you enjoy the little snippets of our chat as much as I did in this Undercover Instructor Series. As always we would love to hear your comments, biggest take-aways or questions from this interview.

Head over to for all things Nomad Pilates - ranging from online courses and resources for ALL Pilates Teachers across the globe!

Check out the links below to follow Jacquie on socials or attend her upcoming workshop in Melbourne.

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She also has an amazing start-up which you can find by visiting

The Undercover Instructor - Ep 6 with Laura Saggers from Rise Pilates

I loved filming with Laura! Her warmth and authenticity are evident when ever in her presence and this certainly filters down through the entire studio and everything that Rise Pilates represents. I’m sure instructors and studio owners are going to get a lot out of these interviews at what ever state of there PIlates journey!

The Undercover Instructor - Ep 5 with Miriam Jones from Motion and Repose

It was such a full circle experience for me to interview Miriam Jones. Miriam was the reason I decided to become a pilates teacher and I know there are many of you out there who she has done the same for. Honestly I should have just walked in to this Undercover Instructor series with a GoPro on my head because basically everything that comes from Miriam is considered and thought out and then applied to how it will best help you. She has an insane amount of experience training teachers ranging from Pilates to Barre and has just recently opened the doors of her mentor program and home studio.

Have you ever cleaned up your Cuing?

How often do you clean up your cuing as a Pilates instructor? Our words matter but sometimes we go into auto pilot mode when we are teaching without ever reflection on whether or not those words are having the impact we want on our clients.

This all starts from learning how to build awareness in to your own self practice and teaching instead of this kind of regurgitation of information quick fix, quick win approach. it's not for the faint hearted. 

If you want depth, if you want fulfilment, if you want to reach your potential and not cut corners it takes hard work! 
We need to learn how to take what we have learnt in our training or from our mentors and then be willing to do the inner work, the outer work, do the experimenting, sit with the messy stuff and the failures and then repeat it over and over again so that we truely and understand it! don’t just copy or fake it!

How to be a creative instructor

Being a creative instructor comes in many different forms!

Being more creative or having more variety in my teaching toolbox is something I used to worry about a lot.

Over time and with the guidance of many mentors I've realised creativity does not always come in the form of a new transition or amazing exercise nobody has ever seen before, and actually most clients don't even care!

Self development tools for a more enjoyable Pilates Career

Over time I've learned to incorporate many of the things I used in my previous life as an athlete coupled with the tips I’ve got from many of my mentors and applied them to my pilates teaching career which has both increased the quality of my teaching and the enjoyment it brings me.

Setting up little ‘triggers’ that help you transition from one moment to the next will turn ordinary moments in your Pilates career to the most extraordinary ones!