Nomad Pilates

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Have you ever cleaned up your Cuing?

How often do you clean up your cuing as a Pilates instructor?

Our words matter but sometimes we go into auto pilot mode when we are teaching without ever reflecting on whether or not those words are having the impact we want.

I just heard this from Christi Idavoy latest video on Pilates Anytime and think it's such a powerful reflection tool to get us out of autopilot mode when we are teaching. Here are some questions to get you started;

  • Are you aware of what you are saying and repeating out of habit?

  • Are you actually observing if those cues are making a different or do you move quickly into the next thing?

  • Are you observing if people are responding in a positive way or negative to those cues or do they just not respond at all?

  • Can you refine them, can you create space in your teaching to be honest with yourself, get out of auto pilot and clean up the stuff that isn't working!

This all starts from learning how to build awareness into your own self practice and teaching instead of this kind of regurgitation of information, quick fix, quick win approach.

If you want depth in your teaching career, if you want fulfilment, if you want to reach your potential and not cut corners it takes hard work!

We need to learn how to take what we have learnt in our training or from our mentors and then be willing to do the inner work, the outer work, do the experimenting, sit with the messy stuff and the failures and then repeat it over and over again so that we truly and understand it! don’t just copy or fake it!

This starts with going back to foundations.

  • Do you understand what you are saying and why you are saying it?

  • Do you understand what you teaching and why you are teaching it?

  • Do you understand what your strengths are?

  • What are you always resisting? What makes you feel uncomfortable or anxious when you teach?

Cleaning up your cuing is an amazing place to start on your journey to finding depth and fulfilment in the way you teach!