Nomad Pilates

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The Undercover Instructor - Series 2 with Eleanor Beveridge from Armature

Today I’m moving and chatting with
Eleanor Beveridge, Instructor at Armature in Brunswick East.

Instructor: Eleanor Beveridge
Class: Reformer (Beginners)
Studio: Armature, Brunswick East, Melbourne
Links: You can follow Eleanor here on Instagram or check out Armature here

Eleanor is a Pilates Instructor at one of Melbourne’s busiest studios, Armature Pilates. Her background is in performance as a dancer and aerialist and she now calls herself an ‘aspiring acrobat’. When she’s not swinging around at great heights you can find her teaching Pilates, Barre and Fitness at Armature in Brunswick East.

Throughout Elenor’s class I just had this calm feeling wash over me, even in the hardest of exercises I didn’t feel a need to grit my teeth or use heavy breathing to get me through. She has the beautiful way of keeping you engaged whilst taking her time with each detail, with each exercises as if she had the care and enthusiasm of a first year instructor! Sometimes the basic exercises can get a little stale over time for teachers so this was so refreshing to hear, see in action and feel in my body.

"I find that if your funny, small and non-offensive you can get away with more sometimes" - Eleanor Beveridge

So many pilates teachers had previous careers in a corporate environment, performance or dance. I really believe that all the skills and abilities we bring from those previous environments are essential to our teaching but are often neglected. So it was so nice to here how performance and working with disadvantaged youth has helped Eleanor on her teaching journey. Elenor also talks about her teaching persona being an extension of herself and the importance of project your voice.

Class planning and visualisation

In this video Eleanor shares how her self practice and visual style of learning informs her class planning.

Here’s a look at Eleanor’s class Plan in The Pilates Playbook

Click on the class plan below to get a closer look at some of the exercises Eleanor took me through in her Reformer Beginners class at Armature Pilates.

Self Practice and preparing yourself to be in front of people

Eleanor teachers Pilates between 15-20 hours a week on top of her training for acrobatics. She shares what her go to movements are for her self practice, how she prepares herself to be in front of other people and be present in the space she is working in, as well as how she structures that around her teaching schedule at Armature Pilates.

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You can check out more videos from the Undercover Instructor series and join the conversation over on Instagram (IGTV) here!